The WWW Program by Shelley Smith Creative

Website Creation for Online Biz Bosses


Write and design your own beautiful website at a fraction of the cost of outsourcing to specialist copywriters, designers, & developers — in just 6 weeks.

Secure Your Spot in the Exclusive Beta Cohort: 8 July — 16 August 2024

Hey there Biz Boss!

You've got big dreams and audacious goals for your biz.But there's this one pesky problem lingering in the background.

Your website.

It's that one project that keeps getting pushed to the bottom of your to-do list. You know it's crucial, but figuring it out yourself has you on a one-way trip to Overwhelm City.

"Outsource!" They say.

But of course, the problem is that hiring a (good) copywriter, a designer, and a developer is pricy. Besides, you want some creative control over your website (because who wants to call Jerry, the web guy, every time you want to post a blog or change that one line on your About Page?!).

You've got this. And I'm here to help.

As a small business owner, you possess the unique insight needed to craft exceptional copy. You understand your product and your customers intimately.You just need a guiding hand to refine your copywriting craft. And a few pointers to the best website tech and tools.

Imagine publishing a slick new website...
in 6 weeks.

Imagine if you could craft your own messaging, write your own high-converting web copy, and even get the whole thing designed and set up online… even with a bit of pizzazz.

Imagine if you could do that all yourself — at a fraction of the cost of outsourcing.Imagine if you had a clear, simple roadmap to follow. A guide to take the overwhelm out of website copywriting and creation. And the accountability to finally GET. IT. DONE.

Sounds like a tough ask?

It is a lot, but it’s entirely possible.And I’m putting my hand up to be your guide
in the Words+Web+Wisdom Program (WWW).

The WWW Program is like having a tech-savvy wordsmith friend by your side, walking you through each step of writing and building your website.

By the end of the program, you’ll have a website you can proudly launch into the world.A website that’ll bring you ideal clients, build your authority and credibility, and even support you to make sales in your sleep!

The Words+Web+Wisdom Program

The Beta Cohort of Words+Web+Wisdom starts on 8 July 2024.

Weekly Lessons

Each week, you'll receive a recorded video lesson, approximately 30 minutes long, presented by yours truly, Shelley.Packed with valuable insights and practical tips, these lessons are designed to equip you with:💬 the words to communicate your unique value and call your people to action;🖥️ the web tools and tech you can use to build a beautiful and automated website;💖 the wisdom to build your website in a way that supports the BIG picture of your business and life.

Flexibility and Convenience

The videos will be released a week before we discuss the content live.So book a time that suits you and watch the video. Plan to set aside about an hour each week for note-taking, integrating the lessons, and exploring the supplementary resources provided.

Action and Implementation

To make the most of the program, plan to dedicate at least 3-4 hours per week to your own writing.Our priority is to help you create a beautiful and clear website ready for publishing by the end of the six weeks, even if you plan to continue adding to it afterward.

Live Sessions

Join us for our weekly live sessions, each running for a maximum of 75 minutes, conducted via live video conference.These interactive sessions are your chance to dive deeper into the week's lesson, engage in discussions, and get clarification and guidance from Shelley.Live Sessions will be scheduled at time that suits the whole group, but they are provisionally set to start at 11am SAST (10am UTC) on a Thursday.If there is enough interest, I will offer a second Live Session option at 7pm SAST (1pm US Eastern).

Hotseat Experience

The highlight of each live session is the Hotseat segment.Step into the spotlight and present a piece of your writing or design for feedback and constructive suggestions from Shelley and the group.It's not just an opportunity for individual growth — it's a chance for the entire group to learn and grow together.There will be two Hotseat slots in each Live Session and participants will be able to book their slots in advance.

Personal Consultation

In addition to the live group sessions, each participant will receive one 45-minute one-on-one consultation with Shelley.Use this consultation to dive into specific aspects of your website, whether it's refining your big-picture vision, honing your messaging, seeking feedback on your content, or navigating through website builders and other tech tools.

Your Words+Web+Wisdom Guide

Shelley Tonkin Smith

Copywriter & Website Tech Nerd

Hello! Hello! I’m Shelley, your guide through the WWW Program.

As a homeschooling mom of two, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to balance business and life.But one of my biggest supports has always been my website. It works tirelessly for me, helping to promote my services and brand while I’m doing client work, or teaching my kids, or… sleeping, which is nice ;)

As a copywriter, I’ve spent years crafting compelling websites, sales pages, email sequences, and case studies for my clients.

So I know that a well-crafted website can be a game-changer for a business, but I also know that my 1:1 copywriting services are out of the price range of many small businesses.And honestly, that fact has put me in a pickle, because part of my mission is to help more people to start — and grow 📈 — their own businesses.But one day, as I sat in my car waiting for my kids to finish their music lessons (🥁 Coldplay in the left ear and 🎹 Beethoven in the right), my creativity must have been ignited because I came up with...

Words+Web+Wisdom.The program where I bring my copywriting & tech expertise and you bring your knowledge of your customers & your unique offers.

I am just so deeeeeeelighted about this approach. It's better than a win-win. It's like a win to the power of 10!WWW is much more affordable than my 1:1 services, it gives you more creative control over your copy and tech, and ensures that your words and messaging truly feel like you.The live sessions will help you to stay consistent and accountable and you'll get customized feedback from me on your own writing.And let me be quite upfront, I am looking forward to this WWW program, particularly in its beta format, for my personal gain...(cue not-so-evil laugh!). Your experiences, challenges, and questions will help me to make this program better than it could ever could be if I tried to develop the content alone.So because you're helping me out, you'll get the beta version of WWW at the lowest price it'll ever be offered.

Your website needs to do some heavy lifting... Let’s work together to create a website that not only looks great and sounds like YOU, but also supports your business and life.

A unique opportunity

The WWW Beta Program

This isn't your typical course; it's a beta program—an exclusive opportunity to be part of something special from the ground up. As I craft and refine the course content in real time, you'll be right there with me, shaping the program's direction and content as it unfolds.

Your Role as a Beta Participant:

  • Valuable Feedback: Your insights and feedback are what I’m after ;) In exchange for your participation, I’ll be an open book, offering my knowledge and expertise at a significantly reduced rate.

  • Attendance: To qualify for this beta program, a commitment to attend every session is essential. Your active participation ensures the program's success and your own growth.

  • Generous Participation: Engage in group sessions generously and considerately, fostering a collaborative learning environment where everyone can thrive.

  • Feedback and Surveys: Your written feedback and requests for information throughout the program are encouraged and valued. You'll also be required to complete three surveys—start, midway, and end—to provide comprehensive input on your experience and the program's effectiveness.

  • Highly Customized Input: With a maximum of 8 participants, you'll receive highly personalized attention and tailored guidance to help craft your copy and decide on perfect-for-you website tools & tech.

Application Process:

  • Selective Admission: Participation in the beta program is by application. I'm looking for committed business owners who are eager to create beautiful websites AND contribute to the success of WWW.

  • Limited Spots: There are only 8 spots available in the beta program, and we start on 1 July. So, if you are interested, then apply today. The application will take less than 10 minutes and is designed to make sure WWW will be a great fit for you.

  • Option to Sign Up: Once I've read your application, you'll be invited to sign up. In other words, you'll be under no obligation to sign up. So if WWW sounds intriguing, go ahead and apply — you can always make your final decision later. (But not much later, because we're starting soon!)

Your Investment

The WWW Program includes 6 weeks of teaching videos, weekly live sessions + hotseats,
ongoing accountability, and a 45-minute 1:1 session with me.
At the beginning of the program, we'll set your goal.
This could be a 1-page website, a sales page, a 5-page website, or even a digital product shop. If you follow the program consistently and put in the work, you'll have met your goal and will be able to launch your website into the world.
The Words+Web+Wisdom Program gives you many of the benefits of working 1:1 with me — without the premium price tag.
My bespoke website copywriting packages start at $4800, climbing to $8-$12k with additional features like high-conversion Sales Pages or e-commerce integration.
If you opt for website design and tech setup, that starts at an extra $2000, depending on complexity.

You can secure your place in the Words+Web+Wisdom Beta Program for only $297.
For my South African maatjies, it's R3900.

A two-part payment plan is available on request.Once you've decided to join the program, I'll send you an invoice for the course fee.

Apply for theWords+Web+Wisdom Program (Beta)

I would love to welcome you into the Words+Web+Wisdom Beta Program.Please complete the form below to apply to join the program, which will start in the week of 8 July 2024 and continue through to 16 August 2024.If I believe the course would be a good fit for you (and vice versa), I'll send you an invitation to join, together with the next steps and payment information.Applying for the program does not put you under obligation to actually join. So if you're interested, go ahead and apply and you'll still have a day or two to make your final decision.The course fee is R3900 (South African rate) or $297 (US dollars for the rest of the world).If you have any questions about the WWW Program, please drop me an email at [email protected].

Step 1

Apply for the course.

Step 2

Accept your invitation.

Step 3

Pay in full or in 2 installments.

Frequently-Asked Questions

Why is there an application process?

Because we don’t just want to take your money if it’s not going to be a good investment for you. So in the application form (which is very quick to complete — under 5 minutes), we’ll ask you a few questions about where you’re at with your practice and what you’d like to get out of the course.
If it’s a good fit, we’ll send you an invitation to sign up with an invoice and payment link (for either the two installments or once-off payment — you choose).

What if I change my mind about signing up?

No problem. You’re under no obligation to sign up if your application is accepted.
You could sign up for the course when it is offered again. But just remember that the launch price of R7500 only applies to the course on 2-3 February 2024. Future courses will be subject to a price increase.

What if I apply and it’s not a good fit?

You’ve seen how passionate we are about helping business owners, right? We’re certainly not going to leave you hanging. Depending on your answers, we’ll suggest alternative ways you could achieve your goals e.g. directing you to one of our other offers, referring you to another service provider, etc.For any other questions, reach out to us at [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to help.